Friday, August 3, 2007

Third Day With My New Trans Am

Up at 6am of course (Noah is so consistent). Got a bright and early email from the nice gal at Grundy telling me she got the pics I sent (wasn't the bank supposed to send pics???) and she just needed me to fax her a form saying that no one under 25 would drive the car (if only she knew how far away I am from that quarter century mark--more like the dark side of 35!) a Georgia insurance thingy, and another form stating that the car was for hobby use and not for things like, um, drag racing. No, I'll save that for the company Charger coming up around October!

Grandma was nice enough to send the fax while we were at breakfast with friends, and the policy is OFFICIAL official finally!

Went to an auto parts chain and bought a car cover to possibly use for the car's truck transport to GA. Had no idea what most things in the store did, but I had the feeling as I walked through there that I'd know in the future.

Took it out tonight for a drive up and down the interstate. It would not catch without applying some gas. Well, MTS did say that the start wasn't the best. Liza and I took off back and forth on the interstate with the T-tops off this time. It was a beautiful night for a cruise. I'm concerned about the rough start but there was no problem driving it. We'll see. Got it back in the garage and popped the hood again to cool things down.

This time I notice that a small back panel near the trunk is kind of loose. No wonder the panels don't exactly line up with the trunk door. The car still has the dealer stamp on the back---Steamer Motor Co. of Racine, WI.

My body is still recovering from the Milwaukee Brewers game I attended with Linda and her granddaughter Jaden yesterday. Miller Park is really nice and kid-friendly, and since I'm a former stadium operations director I of course geeked out on all the operations stuff.

As we approached the stadium we were greeted by a statue of Robin Yount, which was cool because the glove I've had since 1983 or 1984 is a black Rawlings Robin Yount. Did me lots of good in my playing days!

The other most exciting thing was that I got to see Willie Randolph (Mets manager and former Yankee star) in person! Randolph was one of my heroes back when I cared about Major League Baseball. Other than that, yesterday I just felt old.

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