Wednesday, August 1, 2007

1st & 2nd Days With My New Trans Am Pt. 1

I am finally the owner of a classic Trans Am.

The person subbing for my account rep at the bank managed to get the incorrect date on the insurance rider changed after I tried SINCE MONDAY to get it fixed. Alas, she was out on Tuesday and no one working on Tuesday was helpful. So on Wednesday morning in came the corrected rider on email. At last, I could get the car!

I called Matt the Seller and left him a message on his cell, knowing that he wouldn't be able to pick it up until after 5pm. Wednesday was our relaxing day with nothing on the schedule until dinner guests Jerry and Cindy arrived, so it was a lloooooooonnnnngggg day.

(Did I mention it was a long day?!)

Around 5:30pm Matt the Seller called and we arranged to meet at his house in a Milwaukee 'burb later that evening. Jerry and Cindy arrived, we chatted for a while and then I broke the news that we were picking up a new car!

Jerry, ever the adventurist, immediately volunteered to drive, although it was decided that Grandpa Fred would drive and Jerry would go along for the ride.

I made sure I had all of my papers in order. I had been checking the Wisconsin and Georgia DMV web sites like mad the last few days, and I'm quite certain that the internet people at the Wisconsin DMV thought I was nuts, but you know, I just wanted to be certain!

I must have double and triple-checked for the checks as Fred was hollering it was time to go.

Driving along Interstate 43, I managed to engage in the conversation, but my heart and stomach felt like they were back in my youth baseball days or in the moments before getting picked up for the prom. Oh my, what's this--I'm nervous?! My hands were actually sweating. This could actually be a good sign for the future?!

Who knows. Even though I had seen pics of the car, it was like driving to pick up a blind date for the prom...I knew a little bit about my date, but not much. And according to the bank, this date was going to have to last at least five years!

Another good sign (or bad?)...oh my, while on the interstate we passed a crazy plum purple Cuda. Couldn't tell you much else about it, but I enjoyed telling Jerry and Fred what I knew about it--which wasn't much but was more than them. Oh, and there were speed traps on either side of the road. Great!

Next: At Matt the Seller's house

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