Wednesday, August 1, 2007

1st & 2nd Days With My New Trans Am Pt. 2

The half hour to the home of Matt the Seller (from now on known as MTS) seemed like an eternity. We drove down his street to the end, where I recognized the cul-de-sac where the TA pics had been taken.

In the driveway...there it was...along with two guys futzing with the tires and other things. Oh oh, I thought (while trying to appear calm to Jerry and Fred)...what's wrong? Did MTS not describe it accurately? Now he decided to try to fix something he didn't tell me about? Am I going to look and feel like a fool when I try to drive away and the thing collapses? Now would be a good time for a cocktail...except if it doesn't break down in MTS's cul-de-sac, I'm going to have to drive it back!

We pull the Prius (lol) into MTS's driveway, right behind the TA. My heart is pounding...what is up with me?!

Introductions all around. MTS is a young guy, I'm guessing early or mid-20s. The other guy doing the futzing is the father of MTS and the actual titleholder of the TA. We'll call him Perry The Title Holder (PTTH for short). PTTH is wearing a t-shirt with a red TA iron-on. I guess '76 and he tells me '74; said car is sitting in the garage behind us, and later I ask for a look. PTTH has put a lot of effort into it. No wonder he wears it proudly on his chest. Nice!

My TA truly is as MTS described it--it looks indeed like it has been stored away for a number of years. A few minor paint nicks as had been mentioned, the shaker seal isn't as bad as I thought, under the hood and in the trunk look good as does the interior. There are things on the dash that I have no idea what they do. But DAMN it looks good!

MTS points out all of the fluid locations. Later I realize I've forgotten to ask him where the fuse box is, but that info will have to come from the 'net or from a future purchase of an owners manual.

Knowing that Jerry and Fred have seen enough of the car, I make a motion to get the papers signed. We go inside the house, but not before I am attacked (in the nicest possible way) by the family's two large dogs. I think it's all a conspiracy to delay my getting the TA. I'm nice to the dogs, and eventually they allow us to conduct paperwork business at the kitchen table.

PTTH fills out the title; I put the appropriate info on the checks; we both sign a bill of sale, and I add the 1.01 extra that wasn't on the checks. MTS and PTTH both laugh.

While filling out the paperwork, it comes up that MTS has been away for awhile, and I learn that MTS was over in Iraq but was sent home early due to a hand injury.

It's odd sometimes when people tell you they had been deployed to Iraq. I'm not sure how they feel about it, and I wonder, if I thank them, will they be offended, like what the heck do I know about it? Anyway, I shook his hand (gently) and thanked him.

MTS and PTTH gave me a modest folder of receipts for service. All work at a garage had been done when the car was purchased in 2002. Any other work such as oil changes was done by these two car-knowledgable folks.

The folder also contained the original owner's information about how it came from an estate of a man in Racine, WI, and at the time of sale it had about 24k miles on it.

Next: my first ride, and a new chapter for this TA

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