Saturday, August 11, 2007

My first ACFA meeting

Today was the monthly meeting of the Atlanta Camaro and Firebird Association. I had debated whether or not to go b/c I don't have the car yet, but after a gentle nudge (ok, who am I kidding...make that a shove) from Liza, I went for the 45-minute drive to McDonough.

John the president greeted me and introduced me to the others, many of whom I recognized from the web site. I got to tell a bit about my TA and the meeting got down to business of making some decisions about their annual Veterans Day show. I volunteered for a show task, which prompted an evil grin from Jennifer, one of the members. I think I had "sucker" suddenly stamped on my forehead! :0

Anyway, I felt welcome and they were impressed by the TA's story and the discolored photos I'd brought. They invited me to the post-meeting lunch but I had to run. Next time...and with my TA!

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