Sunday, January 6, 2008

Too Long Dude

Okay, okay, fifty lashes with a wet noodle! I've been gone too long, I know. This blog thing actually requires time and energy, things that I have had little of since my auto 101 class started the first week of October.

The class, the class. We started out with about 25 and I think it got down to about 19 or so. Those folks couldn't purchase the books, decided they didn't want to do the work (not that that kept others from staying in the class) or found something else they'd rather do, like watch tv.

Four hours every Monday of videos, politically incorrect jokes from the instructor (who I liked, BTW), idiocy, and some time in the shop. Oh and I actually learned something, but I'll tell you that it took effort on my part. As in I *had* to study, you know, because I did not know an allen wrench from a combination wrench. Nor did I know about any other kind of wrench, or screwdriver, or nut or bolt.

We had a test every week, and I managed an A on every test. Because I studied like a madwoman.

We had a few "labs" in which we were to work in the shop and write down our results, and I did ok in those. When it came time to open the hoods up and work in the shop, I mostly left it to the guys, who were eager to show off their, ah, skills.

These were the same guys who eagerly scooped up job applications from the (Major Auto Parts Supply Store) auto store HR guy, and then didn't bother to return them. Or returned them half-filled out. The instructor joked that most would not be considered because of their criminal records. He wasn't all that far from the truth.

Only once did I decide I'd had enough and I walked out of class during shop time. That was the class the week before the final. I was so bored and cold that I figured I had banked enough "A"s on tests that I could risk not hearing any tips the instructor would give regarding the final exam. Before the shop time started, he said, "Read the book" and that ended up to be all of his tips. I got an A on the exam which took place the first week of December.

Since then I have ventured to a few of the local auto parts places and have picked up this and that. Two weeks ago it was nice enough that I was able to take the TA out for a much-needed spin AND check all the vitals (oil, tranny fluid, brake fluid, coolant) and it looks like my first project will be to flush and replace the coolant, which looks rusty. Question is, will I do it or will I chicken out and take it to a shop?

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